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IdeasCityWS Beta Bonfires

On December 10 at 12 pm, join the Center for Creative Economy and our NYC colleagues from the New Museum for an inspiring conversation around human-centered design.

So, you might be wondering, what is human-centered design? It’s a problem-solving approach that empowers individuals and businesses to design products, services, systems, and experiences that address the core needs of people. We could all use more of that, right?

Leading the conversation will be Karen Wong, the Deputy Director of the New Museum in NYC, Krystal Persaud, founder of Group Hug Solar, and Winston-Salem based design guru, Adam Sebastian, Architect + Designer at Stitch Design Shop. These founders are passionate about great design centered around people. Truly creative entrepreneurs!

On October 8th, Wake Forest launched the IdeasCity WS Beta Bonfires with a conversation around Rethinking Norms, and we explored how creative entrepreneurs look at the world around them and see it as an editable landscape ripe for creative intervention.

We were inspired and want to continue these conversations and catalyze more Winston-Salem designers, artists and creatives thinking, making, and doing!

Join us for a conversation to keep the creative design entrepreneurial flames burning!


Beta Bonfire Encore on Human Centered Design